About Us

Before V3 Connect existed V3 Consulting Services was meeting with business owners and working to grow local businesses and organizations. When we would meet with a business that we liked we would refer people and other businesses to them. We quickly learned that this was a valuable service as many businesses offered us commissions for these quality referrals that resulted in new business for the company. V3 Consulting Services has been developing quality relationships and networking in southern Oregon for many years. In the beginning we would do B2B referrals and use the network to help local non-profits.

We were delighted with the results and ended up turning these network and quality referrals into the V3 Connect business referral network. Now we are excited to grow this new service as we endeavor to add value and work to create an exciting and vibrant business community. We know these actions will allow for the development and support of strong communities and non-profit networks. This exciting system was created to give the businesses that are members of V3 Connect quality referrals, that result in increased revenue that may have otherwise gone to other businesses.

The referrals that members of V3 Connect receive from V3 Consulting Services are vetted and warm referrals. V3 Connect is not a lead generation tool as the referrals are vetted and V3 Consulting Services staff can make a face to face connection between the company receiving the referral and the new potential client. V3 Consulting Services takes the time to develop and cultivate the relationships prior to making the referral. V3Connect is a V3 Consulting Services, LLC Business product.